I assume you have already passed your ssh key to the machines you want to connect to so you can scp without a password. If not please read http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id/
You call mcp.sh with the absolute path to the file you want to copy, and it will copy it to exactly the same location on the target machine.
Put names of the machines (one per line) you want to update in the file hosts.txt
firstChar=`expr substr $1 1 1`
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "usage mcp </absolute/path/to/file.txt>"
exit 1
if [ $firstChar != / ]; then
echo "Must use absolute path"
exit 1
for line in `cat hosts.txt`
`scp $1 root@$line:$1`
improvement comments welcome
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