This is meant to address that.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <!-- A simple way to have a dropdown that also allows user input. If the user choses "other" from the dropdown, he/she will be shown a text field into which he/she can put a new option. When the user clicks save, the option will be added to the select and made as the selected item. There is a place in the code where you can call the onchange after a new value is added, or comment out that if desired. // Daniel Fishman // 2010-12-21 // Released to the public domain. --> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .hidden{ display:none; } .show{ display:block; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function localOnchange(lid,allowOther){ var mySelect=document.getElementById(lid); var; var postData=mySelect.options[mySelect.selectedIndex].value; if(postData == "other" && allowOther == "true"){ document.getElementById(lid+'_select_div').className = "hidden"; document.getElementById(lid+'_input_div').className = "show"; document.getElementById(lid+'_input_div').style.backgroundColor='yellow'; } else{ alert('perform regular onchange with '+postData) } } function updateSelect(lid){ var newVal=document.getElementById(lid+"_text").value; if(newVal == "")return; var mySelect=document.getElementById(lid); //insert the new value in alphgabetical order. If this select is not in alphabetical order, tough for (var x = 0;x <mySelect.length; x++) { var postData=mySelect.options[x].value; if (newVal < postData || mySelect.options[x].value == 'other') { var elOptNew = document.createElement('option'); elOptNew.text = newVal; elOptNew.value = newVal; try { mySelect.add(elOptNew, mySelect.options[x]); // standards compliant; doesn't work in IE } catch(ex) { mySelect.add(elOptNew, x); // IE only } mySelect.selectedIndex=x; //uncomment below line for onchange behavior alert('perform regular onchange with '+newVal); document.getElementById(lid+'_select_div').className = "show"; document.getElementById(lid+'_input_div').className = "hidden"; //reset the div color document.getElementById(lid+'_select_div').style.backgroundColor='transparent'; break; } } } function cancel(lid){ document.getElementById(lid+'_select_div').className = "show"; document.getElementById(lid+'_input_div').className = "hidden"; document.getElementById(lid+'_select_div').style.backgroundColor='transparent'; } </script> </head> <body> <div class="show" id="sid_select_div"> <!--you could call localOnchange with('sid','false'), and then it will do the normal onchange behavior--> <select onchange="localOnchange('sid','true')" id="sid" name="objectName"> <option value="Dog">Dog</option> <option value="Cat">Cat</option> <option value="Bird">Bird</option> <option value="Person">Person</option> <option value="Snake">Snake</option> <option value="Bear">Bear</option> <option value="other">other</option> </select> </div> <div class="hidden" id="sid_input_div"> Enter the new value: <input type="text" value="" id="sid_text"> <a href="javascript:updateSelect('sid')">save</a> <a href="javascript:cancel('sid')">cancel</a> </div> </body> </html>
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